Breastmilk Horror Story


It first started with our plane ride-I asked politely where and if they had somewhere I could pump. They told me I had the option of pumping in my seat or in the bathroom..

I chose the bathroom while in the bathroom-the flight attendant kept rudely knocking to tell me to hurry up. Eventually I came out to which she gave me a dirty look.

Once we got to our hotel things seemed to have lighten up a bit. They gave us a free mini fridge to keep my milk and ice packs in until we checked out. I had three days worth and as an exclusive pumper it came to about 100oz of breastmilk.

When it came time to check out - we didnt want to carry all my breast milk in 107 degrees so we opted for a late checkout and paid $20 for it. We didn't have to check out until 3pm. So we went out for a while and then came back at 2. When we came back my fridge was gone! Along with all my breastmilk.

I called the front desk and got transferred to the bell service and then back to the front desk and then to a manager. Well the manager never answered. I was on hold for 40 minutes. I ended the call and went downstairs. Took me about 30 minutes to get a manager.

Once I finally got one I was so overwhelmed and distraught after all my stress and hardwork it was all lost. The manager said he would find out what happened. He called the housekeepers-they had no idea what happened to my fridge either and said they would have to look through there log. They told the manager they would call back in 10-15 minutes. We waited.

Mind you, we had bus tickets to take back to the airport but by the time we got to a resolution our bus tickets expired and we had to take an Uber otherwise we would've missed our flight.

When they didn't call back. The manager called again and asked what the process was after someone would take the fridge. They told him they either throw away the contents or they just leave it downstairs but chances are it's been unplugged for about three hours.

The manager apologized and I bawled my eyes out. The best he could offer was a refund on our entire stay. Which just in my heart doesn't amount to my priceless milk that was lost.