What do these sound like?

Gena • 37. First time mommy to baby James on 06/19/18.

Backstory, I have PCOS and prior to having my three year old I also had uterine fibroids. After many many years of trying to conceive, I gave up and accepted that motherhood was not for me. Then it happened by surprise. I took expensive tests for weeks and they were all negative… then I took a dollar store test and it was positive. Took 4 more cheapies and all positive. Went to doctor and was told I was 6 weeks.

My cycle has never been “regular” but this past 3 years it has been predictable enough within about 3-5 days.

Flash forward to these last few weeks. Been using this app for a long time and my man and I managed to have some time to TTC again last month a day or so before the app said I should ovulate. About 3 weeks ago. The past couple weeks I wake up nauseated and if I don’t eat something right away it gets worse. Period is 6 days late, and I’ve been taking tests since 3 days before my period, every morning when I get up. They’re all negative. Now, I’m getting little pains in the lower, right side of my abdomen and I have a bit of CM again. About a week or so ago I had a teeny tiny bit of orangey-tinted spotting in the CM. My sleep schedule has totally done a 180 and I’ve been soooo fatigued.

Could this be my AF finally coming late? Or could these be symptoms of early pregnancy? Is it kidney stones? lol