๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’” is there any hope?!

Asking for any adivce. Ok so we miscarried in June. I found out I was pregnant 11/28. Called the dr and they wanted hcg and progesterone levels to see how far along I was. So on 11/30 I had an hcg level of 36 and progesterone of 24. ย Happy but super early which I expected because I got my bfp at 8dpo. One week later 12/7 my hcg level was at 525. Nurse said that was good now let's check every 48 hrs until I'm at 1800 to get an ultrasound. Well yesterday 12/9 my level was at 637. Not doubling ๐Ÿ˜” I was told to prepare for miscarriage. But I have no miscarriage symptoms I feel just as pregnant as I did last week. They want me to test again tomorrow and then we will set up my options. I'm beyond devistated. Has this happened to anyone else?? I have a 4 yr old to a previous relationship but this will make two miscarriages for my husband and me. Is there any hope we will ever get our rainbow baby?!