Alcoholic husband vent 😞

We got into a horrible fight lastnight. After voicing what I needed to say I tried to go to bed and asked him to kindly leave me alone, because he continued to drink. He gets verbally abusive. He said awful mean things to me! One of them being “ divorce me “ said that no one can help him or make him change and that he has all the money he needs he’ll be just fine without me. Wellll I went to bed sobbing he ended up coming back in saying “ you shouldn’t be crying unless you’re cheating on me, who is it? Who’s the guy”. I said I was just sad because he said awful things to me. He proceeded to say I’m just like my mother (who cheated on my dad for years), that I’m the devil and that I’m a weirdo and find someone who wants to put up with me and my ugly tattoos.. there were several other things then he finally left me alone. I’m an extremely nice person but I’ve dealt with his shit so long. Fast forward to this morning. He made a petty apology and poo pood that no one likes him and he’s just going to work late today. I ended up seeing his phone this morning and caught this conversation

I feel like throwing up. I feel so hurt and disrespected. I’m so so so sick of it. Lastnight I thought he was just being a drunken idiot but this morning I saw this and now I feel broken.😣 I started looking at apartments. There is a lot more to this story but I just needed to vent.