Truly humiliated

So long story short, I have a heart condition which is an extra valve that tends to cause me to pass out and heart palpitations- generally only triggered by weight gain. Discovered it when I was pregnant with my son as I had gained 100lbs literally…. The cardiologist wanted me to do an ablation however at the time I was breastfeeding my son and he wouldn’t take a bottle so I decided to hold off as the symptoms subsided as I lost the weight. I’ve always been generally a very petite person- prior to my divorce almost 2 years ago I was 90lbs, I am now 110 which by no means am I calling myself fat because for once I’m a healthy weight and I’m happy with it however due to the weight gain I’ve been experiencing my heart issues. My cardiologist won’t see me until I do stress test, tilt table test, ultrasound and wear the heart monitor (that I’m allergic to the adhesives) prior. Due to being a single mom, I’ve been trying to save up my PTO but its always going towards sick kids or kids appointments etc. the last 2 months my health truly has declined so I finally swallowed my self pride to go to a family doctor (I’ve always had bad experiences don’t listen etc) I go and start laying out what’s been going on and only got to the heart issues and she CUT ME OFF and told me that there’s nothing she can do I need to go to the cardiologist…. I tried explaining that I knew that however I think other things are going on and she got up and walked out and said a nurse would come to draw my blood. I sat there for 30 minutes waiting fighting back my tears for said nurse and finally just got so overwhelmed and left. I get that I have the heart issues- but I don’t think the heart issues would cause excessive hair loss, vision loss, ibs, hot flashes, migraines, relactating, nightmares, panic and anxiety attacks 24/7… I couldn’t even tell her everything and I just got walked out on. It literally took everything in me to go and as usual I’m blown off, not listened to, not cared for etc. I’m just to my breaking point. I want to feel normal again. But now, I just feel like crawling back into the hole and praying I can get through this….