Is this normal for a 3.5yo? PLEASE READ

So my 3.5yo old son went and staid 2 nights with his grandparents (I had a post about MIL and husband forcing him to go when he was screaming his head off). When he came back home, we were sitting on the couch and he forcefully shoved my hand down his pants, I pulled out and said "no, thats not ok", he did it a few more times and gave up. After that my in laws stopped in twice afterwards (2 different weekends) and he wouldn't really go near them. He clung to me more so, or ran to his room. He wouldnt hug them or say goodbye or anything. I mentioned this to my therapist and she said he may have been sexually abused and told me to keep him away from them and do supervised only visits if anything. We haven't seen or heard from my in laws in over a month. Yesterday we decided to get rid of the one cat they gave us and so my husband called and asked if they wanted it back and they said yes that they were already on their way to the store close to where we live and would stop by. My son was in the truck with his uncle (my brother) since we were all going up somewhere to walk so I don't think he saw them, (my brothers truck was facing the opposite way they came, but he may have seen them drive down the road in front of my brothers truck and my son knows my in laws truck) but my husband called and was on the phone with his dad (inside of the truck) after they took the cat (they were mad at us for "not reaching out to them to do stuff" 😒) to explain whats been going on. Well, tonight for the first time since he came home from their house he did something that threw me off. I pulled him out of the tub, laid him on the couch and realized I forgot a diaper (I always forget something so this is normal) I told him to wait there and got up and left the room to grab him a diaper, well I walked back in and he was laying on his back with his legs in the air, kind of balled up with his arms wrapped around the lower half of his legs and he had his finger up his butt! I told him that wasn't ok and that he shouldn't be doing that. All he said was "that yucky?" And I said "yes, thats yucky, we don't do that" and he says "ohh" and then I left it at that.

Can somebody please give me some insight??

If anyone has any questions I will regularly update and answer. I plan on bringing this up to my therapist.

I did bring this up with my husband. He tried to put the blame on my brothers and then a few days later said how he thinks our son was "just being weird". I haven't told him about what I walked in on my son doing yet.

I go to my mom's every week and my sons never alone with anyone. He acts fine around my brothers and is always picking on them. But when he sees the in laws, I noticed he kind of avoids them. He hasn't seen them in a little over a month. I told my husband he's not allowed to go or be alone with anyone without me or him around and he agreed to it.