5w 6d Cramps, gas, uncomfortable, is this all normal?

I have so many cramps that are totally related to gas- I'm so gassy and just stay constantly uncomfortable. I don't remmeber feeling like this with my first and it makes me terrified because I'm not used to the cramps uncomfortable feeling.

They aren't bad maybe 2 out of 10 and no bleeding or anything. I just need to know if it's normal?

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Verrry normal I've been dealing with the same!! I'm way more gassy then when I was pregnant with my 1st & 2nd daughters! It is Very uncomfortable and I have been having lots of cramping too😩


Megan • Sep 15, 2021
Yes but EVERY pregnancy is different! It can get overwhelming but we can't try to let every little thing stress us out 🙂 You got this ❤️


AJS012 • Sep 14, 2021
It freaks me out so much that I keep having cramps and ooo the constipation too.. this just wasn't the same with the first and that's what worries me.