

So I started my period today after being a week late and having some symptoms that match up with early pregnancy. (Sore boobs, waves of nausea, frequent urinating) Outside of what’s going on in my everyday life right now (stress but no more stress than I’m used to dealing with) sure another child would have been adding some added stress but it also was looking at a light at the end of a tunnel type of feeling and now the light is gone and I’m just in the middle of a tunnel not knowing which way is which cold and lost and lonely, it’s the best way I can describe waking up and rushing to the bathroom to see blood because for some reason this whole week that my period has been missing I use the bathroom at 6am every morning when before now I never woke up to pee I’m just frustrated and I feel like I just got a mean practical joke played on me and I don’t like to question God but in all honesty I’m trying my best to not be pissed off at him right now cause I don’t understand it. Thanks for letting me vent and sorry if I offended anyone but I seriously can’t talk like this to anyone in my life and until I got this off my chest I was going to keep having panic attacks. I know I may need therapy of some sort I’m working on it lol