Cycle 3!


If you get a “peak” reading on Clearblue Advanced first thing in the morning, do you think you’ll ovulate that day or the next?

I’m 45. This is our third cycle “trying”. First cycle we didn’t really try much, but had sex once around ovulation. Last cycle I used OPK and we had sex probably two times. This time I’ve added Co-q10 and we had sex 5 days before predicted ovulation (which then got pushed to maybe 6 days before per OPK), 3/2 days before, 2/1 days before, and hoping for an opportunity tonight and maybe tomorrow morning too, with ovulation expected in the next 36 hours (I guess) based on a positive strip and a “peak” result on Clearblue Advanced this morning.

Had my first two at 39 and 42, both conceived in two cycles, which I realize is very lucky. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻