Is my boyfriend right?? đź’”

I am 18 and just moved out with my 6 month old a month and a half ago because my dad was too toxic and draining to be around. Before I moved out, my mom would talk to me for hours about him and their relationship, asking for advice sometimes, but also just venting other times. Even when I was pregnant. But (I thought) we were close and I felt bad for her so I didn’t think a lot of it.

Now that I moved out and I’m not just across the hall to talk to, it has me wondering how much she actually values our relationship. I feel like I reach out to her and she BARELY offers the bare minimum. I try to call her at least every other day or so, she talks for a few mins and then says she has to do something really minuscule/go somewhere “quick” but will call back - very rarely does. Like tonight, she told me she had to “take medicine” but would call me back - didn’t call back until hours later and then got off to do something else almost instantly with ANOTHER promise to call back - but didn’t. We text throughout the day but she leaves me on opened a good 90% of the time. I’ve been trying to ask her if she will watch the baby while I go to the doctors - she says but when I ask her what day/times work best, she doesn’t answer. She always makes plans to come visit with us (half hour away) but then ghosts with a bullshit excuse. She always expects us to come to her. If we offer to meet in the middle, she requests something 5 mins from their house. But don’t worry, if she needs emotional support for WHATEVER reason, she has not hesitations to call and talk for hours.

My boyfriend told me that it upsets him because I have done a lot for them, like lent them money, I helped them when their car got repoed, I bought food for the other kids, etc. He says everything from her end is super half-assed

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