
Wow there are some rude people on here. Ones that have be rude for no reason. but I guess what's what you get sticking thousands of woman together hey. It's just crazy. Its like some have forgotten that you're allowed an opinion, you don't HAVE to be right and just because some lady has named her kid something you don't under stand or like. Leave it alone. A lot of you jump to attack. "Your child is going to hate you, they are going to be spelling out and pronouncing their names all the time" whoppty Doo. I have had to and i don't hate my mother for it. Stop being so uptight. 
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Posted at
Totally understand what you're saying! Too many judge mental ladies here. We are here for support and advice not hate and judgement!! Come on ladies lets bond 😍


Posted at
It's a public forum , so the poster is opening themselves up to opinions ... 


Posted at
So you're being judgy toward other judgy women. Interesting. You're opinion is ok, but theirs is just rude because it's not the same as yours. Hmmm. 


Posted at
I get what you're saying but at the same time you're judging people for having opinions. When someone posts a question an someone disagrees and dislikes a name or something that's just an opinion, no they don't have to be RUDE about it but they have a right to say what they feel if they were asked.