
I just found out two days ago that I'm pregnant with my second child. My husband and I have been trying since the beginning of the year. To say that I'm surprised is an understatement. I feel so overwhelmed. I feel so blessed to have this happening, yet I'm terrified of the unknown. We have a four year old, and I know she'll be an awesome big sister. I always had it in my mind that I would need help conceiving again like I did with her. I did months of clomid and BBT. I had to have a hysterosalpingogram done and within a month after that I was pregnant with her. Life was different then...
Now that I found out I'm pregnant with #2, I feel all kinds of emotions. Yes, I know it's related to pregnancy hormones; but it's also a lot of anxiety. I don't get much time off of work, so that plays a factor. Then the worry about how we can afford stuff. I'm just feeling overwhelmed and hoping someone can shed some light on how they handle things. I think everything's going to be okay, but in the next breath, I'm terrified. I know it'll all work's the fear of the unknown. 
We haven't told anyone in our families yet, and I don't see the doctor until the middle of January. I want to tell my mom SO BAD right now, but I also want it to be a surprise. I feel so helpless. 
Thanks for lostening to me rant. I feel like a mess'n