Another retrieval??

I have 7, 6day embryos left, I used my 4, 5days already in the last 3 transfers, only the second one took & was a chemical, I'm doing birth control now for 3 weeks for my 4th transfer in Oct.

Just had a call with my Dr, he suggested that I do another retrieval after this if needed to get more 5day embryos & test them.

He didnt suggest a ERA test at first untill we pushed the question about more testing. Something just doesn't seem right to me, they say the 6days are just as good but he still wants me to get more eggs.

I'm taking a chance with this next tranfer which I've been using 2 embryos the last 2 times each. I will do the ERA after then I'm going to find a new DR to do the new retrieval with, my storage has to be renewed by the end of next month, $900 for the year. I will have 5left but it wouldn't do me any good to keep them & pay 2 difference storage places, not news I was rdy for today.