Anyone tired of being pressure by surrondings

Marie • EDD July 11th, 2018! Our second little munchkin . Miracle from God 😘
Lately I have been very stress about this baby to come out. Im 38 weeks and 6 days. I have received plenty of message and calls of my surrounding asking me : " sooo?? Any contractions yet?? Are you at the hospital yet? " I feel like I own them something.. that I'm not doing the job by not giving birth yet. I have being nice and answer them the updates but its becoming annoying trying to explain myself and putting me this stress for nothing. I got my membrane sweep yesterday and I was putting myself a lot of pressure to make it work: walking a lot, having sex, eating spicy food , bouncing in a ball, nipple stimulation... but it seems that it doesnt work for me. THEN i decided.. enough! This baby is going to come out when he is ready and when God have decided that is going to come out. This just help me to take out a big weight of my shoulder and embrace this pregnancy because my baby is healthy and big and juicy apparently. Thats all it matters!