Did your infant (between 12 and 18 months) rock back and forth in their high chair?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

My first never did this. My second does it and he has autism (he is 3). But now my 15 month old has started doing it and he is the same age where I started suspecting autism in my second son. I haven't noticed any other signs of autism in him besides this (my second showed many signs at this age.) I've asked relatives who have young kids and their kids never did this. They've said the only kids they know who did this obsessively are my 3 y/o and my 15 m/o. Also may be worth noting that my son with autism has done it since 6 months but my 15 m/o just started this. I'm hoping he just learned it from big bro. Hoping to hear from parents with neurotypical children who did this. Not that I would love him any differently than I do now. I love my son who has ASD exactly the same as I love his brothers. I still worry about the little one having autism as well because there are a lot of difficulties that come with raising a child with autism and lots of time spent in different therapies.

I will be bringing it up with his pediatrician at his 15 month appointment on the 30th. But I brought up concerns about my middle son who has autism around this age and got kind of brushed off since he was so young.

Also, if you do have a neurotypical child who did this, how did you get them to stop? He scoots his high chair across the room when he does it so it has become unsafe. I don't stop my 3 y/o from doing it because he pulls himself back to the table when he starts to scoot away and his therapist has recommended against stopping him because he isn't really consciously doing it (it is a stemming behavior) and he gets really upset and refuses to eat when I stop him.

I have tried to stop my 15 m/o but he gets angry and throws his food in the floor. I have also tried to get him down when he stops then put him back up later but the behavior resumes no matter how many times I remove him from the highchair. Wouldn't be a big deal, but like I said, he ends up scooting the highchair back until he bumps his head on the kitchen bar or hits his head on the wall if I put his chair between the wall and table.