Rant: Issues with MIL!

Edit: Well, today I kindly brought it up before he took a nap. I said “I think that little britches needs to be put into his bouncer to take a nap or with his dad or I. He fights me for over and hour and does not stay asleep at night. It’s nothing personal, just looking out for the best interest of our son.”

Well, when I went to make breakfast after that everything blew up. She went and cried saying that she’s not allowed to hold him anymore, and she didn’t get to see him all day yesterday. And then her husband jumped on us saying it was our fault. We shouldn’t have allowed him to sleep in our bed at night (yes we do bed share) and this wouldn’t be an issue. I simply stated again that we were doing what we think is best for him to sleep better at night. Then the last thing said as her husband left the room was “I get it, I’m not the greatest parent either.”

To start, I do love her and I know my son loves her. I just have an issue with her being a helicopter grandma. We live with her and her husband currently while we look for our own place. But as soon as we wake up in the morning she takes him from me and holds him for hours and hours. She constantly is holding him to give him a nap or put him to bed to the point he doesn’t like when I try to put him to sleep now. If we have her watch him, she gives him a bath when she knows he just had one. If we say we are going anywhere, she says that she IS keeping him. It’s to the point she quit her job to be at home all the time with him and I. What gets to me the most is when she thinks he can undermine our parenting. I’m just not sure what to do at this point without losing my cool.

Edit: when we lived in our own apartment, she would show up without notice every single day for hours and hours.