Um anybody else?

I'm 8 weeks 2 days postpartum and when I have sex like I did two days ago I get so sore that I'm still hurting down there right this moment my pelvic bone hurts and it's a tiny bit swollen and sore as heck is this normal. Or should I not be this sore I have had sex only 5 time's so far and every time has pretty much been sore for me like they say the first time will be uncomfortable but every time we ease into sex at the beginning it's like I'm a virgin every single time and the soreness after also always feels like I was a virgin idk if this is normal or not someone please if you have the same experience let me know because I love having sex and I can't that much because every time I have sex I am swollen for 2 to 3 days so I can only really have sex like 2 times a week.. the soreness takes the mood away :( does it get better?