Progesterone question


Hi all! Question for anyone who knows or has been through something similar…. I just had a chemical pregnancy and got my bloodwork done on the day my pregnancy test line faded.. dpo 12. Prior to that it was more clear positive lines on dpo 10 and 11 (on multiple different tests and confirmed by OB that they were not indent / evaps). My bloodwork came back as my hcg being down to 3, and my progesterone at 2.6. She is not yet giving me supplements because she said she’s unsure if the progesterone is the cause of the chemical, or if it was that low BECAUSE of the chemical, and is sending me to a RE for a full work up. I asked for supplements in the meantime for this cycle but she wants me to do the full testing first. Do these numbers sound right? Is 2.6 a low number on dpo 12 even without any pregnancy involved? This is my second chemical in 3 cycles and I’m just very anxious and know I’ll have to wait a bit to get into the RE. Any advice or experience is greatly appreciated!!