I think I messed up…

So I would always tell my boyfriend how I wish we would spend more quality time together. We live together but we never really actually spend time together. He’s always on his phone or sleeping. So we decided to get a PS4 so we could play video games together sometimes, since we both like to play. But he doesn’t really much ever want to play together, it’s just him playing all day after work. We got home at 6:30-7 (from work) we get off around the same time and he JUST got off the game. It’s 9:31. He’s showering now and afterwards going to sleep. We haven’t even really talked and it’s been like this ever since we got that damn console. I thought things would get better. I’m scared to bring up how I feel because whenever I try to talk about my feelings he thinks I’m arguing or trying to start something. Guess I just have to suck it up.