What would you do in this situation?


Today is CD 29. I havent tracked ovulation the last 2 months because I've had a lot going on so its kinda been at the back of my mind, but previously since my ectopic in April I ovulated CD16 and had 28 day cycles. Last month I started spotting CD19 and started my period CD24 and it seemed a bit shorter than normal. A little over 2 weeks ago I started spotting on CD12, that lasted about 2 days. I took a test at that point which was negative. I did have EWCM a few days after that. Starting this past Monday on CD25 I had a lot of watery clear CM. Tuesday night into Wednesday morning I had a little bit of cramping and I thought I was starting my period bc there was so much CM. I put a pad on and it was like clear with a yellowish tint every once in a while there would be like a speck of blood. All week my boobs have been super sore and felt super heavy. Wednesday I put my cup in bc I assumed that my period was starting. I went to empty my cup in the bathroom at work and it was still just the yellow clear watery discharge and then when I emptied it several hours later there was literally one drop of blood. I left it out at that point bc even when I wiped I was getting nothing. I took tests yesterday and Wednesday and both were negative. This morning I thought I had started bc I had a little more blood than I had, enough that I stained my underwear a bit. So I put my cup in. Again both times I've emptied it there was like maybe one drop of blood in it. Every time I wipe I mostly get blood tinged CM. Then when I woke up for work earlier I had such bad heartburn. I have not been cramping or anything. My husband thinks I should call my provider to schedule an appointment but other than a blood test I don't know what else she could do for me. I feel like if I were pregnant it would show up on a pregnancy test.