
I’m a single mom of two, 2 under two… it’s been so hard.. I never get any time to myself… I have to pay hundred just for a babysitter for a few hours from my drugged out mother… my sisters spouse doesn’t let her go anywhere so they moved out of town.. my other sister moved too but she has three kids two are the same age as mine… my brother drinks too much.. their dads family cancelled on taking them for a visit twice.. they took my daughter for like an hour while my son was having tooth surgery.. then brought her back so fast… they seem to only like my son they never buy her presents or wished her a happy birthday or anything about her it’s just always my son… and I get so frustrated with them always fighting, jumpin on me, screaming and crying and bugging me when I just want a second to myself I can’t even pee in peace… I’m so exhausted… I’m literally crying herethinking my kids would be better off adopted because my sons visit with his family was cancelled again… and every time my mom or sisters say they will come visit they never do… I barely have any food… just a bunch of pastas and expired can soups from the food bank… I don’t think being a mom was meant for me if I can’t handle it… my babies give me such a hard time every damn day and it’s driving me crazy.. how do I find loving people who will care for them better then me? How can I trust someone else to raise them? I can’t fix king handle life anymore…