Severe Anxiety & Major Depressive disorder...HELP!!!


I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant (today 😆)! I need help in managing my anxiety and depression on a natural level...if there is such a thing lol.

I not only have (severe) anxiety and depression but also (yes, there's a list 😕)-

-Social anxiety which gets so bad it leads to agoraphobia.

-ADD (not ADHD...ive never been on the hyper side)

-Bipolar type II (basically I don't have the intense highs and if I do, they aren't as bad as type I). *this diagnosis I couldn't believe. I guess Bipolar has this stigma attached to it but I educated myself about it and many ppl suffer from it. And, I honestly never knew there were different types!

-Panic attacks at least 5x a week.

-Anxiety attacks that last 10+ hrs bc I get myself worked up. Those are usually once a week or if I'm lucky, every other.

Everything was diagnosed at an early age (18-19) and it increasly got worse (except the ADD and Bipolar weren't diagnosed...or went untreated...until after I had my daughter, so about 4 years ago).

Ive been on many many medications, but the ones that worked best for me were Klonopin (sp?), Lexapro, and adderall. Believe it or not the adderall tamed my anxiety.

I had a hard time when I was pregnant with my daughter. My obgyn prescribed me Zoloft (didn't work so I stopped, plus I was scared and anxious of what it would do to the baby...which I know the anxiety doesn't help the baby either!) I did take 2 1mg klonopins when I was pregnant with her in my 2nd trimester...not at the same time. More like a month apart...bad memory lol. I felt horrible doing this, but if you would have seen me, you would have wanted to tranquilize me lol.

Anyways, sorry for the long post so I'll wrap it up... My husband and i were trying so I did ween myself off, then had a miscarriage, so started taking anxiety medication again after 4 months of not getting pregnant (really really low dose) and then 2 months later I got pregnant with this little one!!! I stopped cold turkey (my body did not like that).

So, my question is (after my mental life story😉) is there anything I can take naturally?? That would help with any of these disorders? I know I took Gaba before but not while pregnant. I'm taking my prenatal vitamin, dha, and iron currently. Anything I can add? I really really want to do this the natural way. But I know that some of those supplements are not fda approved so you don't know the harm it can do.

Anyone else in the same boat? Or suffering from something and don't know what to do?