My child is seeing ghosts

My daughter is currently 2 (going to be three in a month) and tonight she told me she saw ghosts.

As I am putting Harper to bed-

Harper: "Mom. Grandma and Grandpa ghosts here. Their ghosts here"

Me: "Their ghosts are here?"

Harper: "Yeah. They like you mom."

Me: "Well I am glad they like me because I love them"

Harper: "And two puppies mom! Two black puppies here!

Me: "Two black puppies are here?

Harper: [starts giggling] They lick mom. They lick me!

Lord help me 😳

So I have two grandparents that have passed. She never met them. And both sets of her grandparents are alive… but the weird thing is her mentioning the two black dogs. I grew up with two black dogs. They lived 17years! She doesn’t know about them and has never seen photos… so I thought it was odd that she was talking about two black dogs. Oh and we call all dogs “puppies” in our house