
Ugh so I’ve come to the conclusion that I think I might have a problem. I buy so much stuff yet have nowhere to put it away. So now I’m sitting here in my cluttered house while my daughter naps, not knowing where to begin. My house looks messy because there is just too much stuff, I want to live minimalistic but I can’t. I just love to buy things. Especially when it’s a good sale. My biggest issue is let’s say both my kids already have a winter coat but then I see a really nice one on sale, even tho I know they don’t need it I buy it anywhere to the point where my 2 year old has 4 snowsuits for one winter. In reality she will likely only wear one of the snowsuits for the entire winter. Also our local consignment store just had a huge Halloween sale. Instead of picking one costume for my daughter I got her 8 😳 like wtf?! Why do I always do this. Not to mention I buy shit when I know I don’t have the money to do so. So I’m literally self sabotaging without meaning to do so. I’m broke and I have a super cluttered house which in result leaves me feeling stressed and slightly depressed. Help 😭