New IVF clinic?


Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I haven’t posted a new topic in a while, but lately I’ve been getting baby fever again so I’m looking for some advice.

I had my first retrieval in April 2020 and ended up with 4 PGS normal frozen embryos (5BA, 5BB, 3AA, 3AA). In August 2020 I transferred my 5BA and as a result I now have a beautiful, healthy daughter who is perfect in every way (hence my inevitable baby fever). My husband and I will be making some big changes this year including buying a new house 2 hours away to be closer to family. There is one fertility clinic up there that’s rated decently well, but I’m almost tempted to just travel 2 hours to be able to use my same dr/clinic that I used before because I trust her and she already knows my history and the best protocol to use for my issues. I’m also super paranoid about something happening to my embabies if I move them to a new clinic😬.

If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Has anyone here ever had to travel for <a href="">IVF</a>? Is it a pain in the butt? Did you get a hotel and stay for a few weeks or did you just drive every time you had an appointment? Have you ever transferred your embryos to a new clinic? Is that process scary? I’m so torn on what to do because I remember having daily appointments before my transfer, which might be a pain if it’s 2 hours away. Any advice is welcome!