Implantation ?

Has anyone had this and been pregnant? I’m having very light pink spotting along with light cramping. Nothing compared to my usual period cramps. My husband and I baby danced before during and after ovulation. We had been actively trying for a baby but it became emotionally draining with the losses and the negative tests so we were just having some fun the past few months. Our “fun time” just happened to line up with ovulation this month. For about a week and a half before Af was expected I had light cramping that would come and go so I didn’t think much of it. Today was 4 days past when Af was expected and I started spotting but only when I wiped. It’s really light and it’s just a pink color not like my usual Af. Could this be implantation?

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Ita more likely that period will start soon than it be related to pregnancy. If your period doesn't start, take a test.