Boss is discriminating because of pregnancy

So I work at a vets office working as a kennel tech and I just found out that im pregnant. During the interview my boss was totally okay with the fact that I was planning on starting a family. The handbook says they don’t discriminate against pregnancy and that pregnant women working for them are not allowed to clean litter boxes, help with X-ray, or laser treatments. So tell me why my boss acted like I should just quit when I told her I was pregnant. I said to her “I just wanted to let you know that I am pregnant, it’s still early. I haven’t been to the doctor yet but I wanted to go ahead and let you know because I know it affects what I can and cannot do currently.” She said “Well if you want to work here you have to be able to do absolutely everything.” And proceeded to ask the other doctor if she agreed. I know she is smart enough to not fire me because I am pregnant because that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen BUT I have a feeling she will fire me for refusing to do a job that is harmful to my pregnancy. Any advice on what to do? I really hate to quit but I don’t feel comfortable working for someone who is inconsiderate of something so important.

It doesn’t help that my boss is a raging bitch and one of the rudest humans I have ever met. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Also for those who didn’t know apparently cleaning litter boxes is dangerous because of a parasite in either cats poop or pee that can cause miscarriages.