Please help! I am so confused.


First off I feel silly even asking but I am at a loss. I am 35 yrs old, have 2 children, and have never experienced this before. My cycles are very regular (28, 30 days max). This cycle I experienced minor spotting on my projected ovulation day 9/9 after having sex. There was just a little bit of pinkish blood when I wiped and nothing more after. Fast forward to 9/19 (10 days later) and again there is pinkish/brownish spotting after sex. Again, only that once... nothing the next time I went to the restroom. What could this be? I have never experienced this before but have heard of ovulation spotting and implantation spotting. I took a Clearblue test this morning, 9/21, and it came up negative so I went about my morning. I let the dog out and got coffee then went to get ready for my day and saw a thin blue line on the test. Obviously it was past the allotted time frame so is this just an evaporation line? Please help!