New job but need days off


y’all so i’ve been waitinggg till i was able to apply to this job, and i finally can and now i have an interview this friday ! i’m super excited but i have a dilemma. so i hate asking for days off especially when just starting a new job, it makes me feel unprofessional. my last job i never took off/called out, i always covered shifts, came in earlier and stayed later, worked holidays, you get the point. anyways, the month of october is gonna be super busy for me, i’m getting my wisdom teeth out the 4th, have a doctors appt the 11th, and also have a wedding out of state where i have to get my hair done the 8th and will be down for the wedding from the 13th-20th, is this something i should bring up during the interview or wait till after to see if i get hired or not? honestly the wedding isn’t a big deal to me whatsoever so if it will make or break me getting the job i will not go. even if i don’t go i still need to make my appointments on the 4th, 8th, and 11th. but i need advice what should i do?? i really need/want this job.