To get away from the racism and islamaphobia goin on. Let talk ramen

Well! There has been quite an increase in the Obama hating, Muslims are terrorists, and black people are whiners posts. (Obviously I don't agree with any of the above topics😒)
So perhaps we can talk about ramen?
Not the fancy ramen, but top ramen. Cheap, easy, and time saving to make. 
Do you eat top ramen? What flavor a do you like and dislike? Do you crack your noodles before cooking them, or do you put them in as a block? Do you add any extra food to it to make it maybe more healthy or appetizing?
How do you feel about it? Would you allow it in your household or encourage nutritious eating and stick to snacks like fruits and vegetables or smoothies?
And we can talk fast food in general. How do you feel about the healthy salads and nutrient rich foods being, sometimes, five or ten dollars more than the unhealthiest/er choice?

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