Travelling during pregnancy?


Hey guys! I’m after some opinions please.

Myself and my hubby have been TTC for 9 months now and no luck yet.

We were due to go on a trip of a lifetime that got cancelled 2 summers in a row due to covid.

We’ve just booked a holiday to Bermuda for April time in hope that we might get a last minute getaway (maybe baby moon!).

I am obviously not pregnant yet but there’s a chance I might be by then. Do you think it’s irresponsible to travel? It’s a 6.5 hr flight and I would be max. 6 months pregnant or maybe less (or not at all - who knows!).

We are sensible and so would get good travel insurance, it’s Zika free and I’ve read up all about safe flying etc and would research medical facilities in advance. I am up to date with my jabs. We have good cancellation terms.

I guess I’m just wondering if it’s selfish/risky if anything were to happen or go wrong, and whether i should just draw a line under it and stay home…

We don’t really want to delay TTC any longer to go travelling as we’re both in our 30’s, met later in life and our parents are getting older.

It’s impossible to predict the future as I may not even be pregnant by then and might end up wishing we’d just gone away!
