3rd Trimester SUPER tired !! ???

Khyla💗 • 19 Years Old🌸 KhloeHazelParker👑 01•10•2016
I am 36 weeks this sunday, starting into my 9th month. Since 2 months into my pregnancy I have had so much energy! Barely even having to take naps. I am currently on maternity leave & dont do ANYTHING all day except run a few errands ,  watch movies and stuff and do LIGHT yoga , some days. But for some reason I have been feeling soooo exhausted? Like today I woke up late around 11AM, 11:30 & literally at 1PM i was taking a nap, here it is 3Pm and im laying here super tired cant even finish my movie bc i am dozing off!! Wth ! I shortened my yoga earlier bc i was falling asleep on my mat. Anyone else this tired? Why am i so tired ?