Can stress affect my child (TMI) (trigger warning)




Baby was moving up til appointment and I told my OB and the heart rate was good so she said that the baby is okay.

I just went through some traumatic shit. Please do not comment anything sarcastic, if you don’t have anything nice to say just don’t say it. I’m not going to say all of what happened but my husband was driving and I was in the passenger seat, we almost got into a major car accident and took someone’s life. It shook me up to where I screamed (I don’t scream easily, at all). I noticed my baby did move somewhat after but not as forcefully as she usually does (I’m 38 weeks 4d, she’s usually a very active baby). I also noticed some sharp contractions but they have subsided. I have a check up tomorrow with my OB. Should I just at least do the kick count and then mention it to my OB tomorrow?