Ok ????????

Sabrina • Have two kids. And will love to have one more. Going on 8 yrs nothing. 😤😭🙏🚼
Ok I am 31 and have two kids I love soooooo much. I am 68 with not af. Last mo for just two days. And the morning and just whan I wrapped. Then nothing. And two days a go the same thing. Md now thing. But this time it was little little little pick. And watery and sticky. I have done test. Some vvf but other are not. I have had do sing of pregnancy. And cravings have any one done this and then get there bfp. Plz say something I am going crazy. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼