I don't know how to handle someone who understands

Susan • 25 | 🌈 Lillian Grace | 🍯 Due 9.17
I have depression and anxiety and they more often then not manifest themselves at the same time in extreme fashion.
In my previous relationships no one knew how to handle it. They didn't understand that it wasn't something I could "get over" or "just don't think about it"
I don't know how to talk about it now because of the way it's been handled before. But they guy that I'm with now also has depression and he understands what I'm going through, especially being that he's medicated and I haven't been able to get to the point of being taken care of medically. It drives him nuts that I fight him so badly about talking to him, but he understands.
Has anyone had a similar experience and had better luck getting through this. Any help is greatly appreciated.