Anyone here work in HR?


I have a question about my job. Is it legal for a company to demote you because of your availability? I have worked with this company for eight years and have been assistant manager for about five of those years. I had a baby about two years ago and I’m unable to work the 45+ hours that I used to work. My husband is a general manager at his job so basically we work opposite shifts because his job comes first, and I pick up whatever hours I can when he’s not working. But because he works 50 hours a week that only lets me get 25 to 30 hours a week. Now for two YEARS they haven’t had a problem with my hours and everything seemed to be fine. But about a week ago the shift manager threatened to quit if she didn’t get benefits, and only assistance on up get benefits. And then the other day I was told that if I could not work 45 hours a week I would have to step down to shift manager, which means I will lose all of my benefits. My hands are completely tied because we cannot afford childcare, And I have given this company eight years of my life and suddenly they want to strip my benefits from me just to keep from losing another employee. I mean I get it, most managers work more hours than I do, but then again I’m doing the best I can and I work really really hard when I am there and still do all the tasks that are required of an assistant manager, and given that I have been with them for so many years and have turned down other job opportunities just to be loyal to this company, it’s extremely disheartening that they want to do this to me. I feel like I am being strong armed by the district manager because she doesn’t want to pay out benefits to another person and I’m guessing they are going to promote the shift manager at my expense.

What are your thoughts? Are the within their rights to do this?