Pcos with a fatty liver?

Dorisela • •TTC Baby Perez •Wife •Mother to 3 fur babies• two little angels 🐕🦎🌈

So I recently had an gyno appt on the 23rd of September… It was horrible, so I have pcos , fatty liver and high cholesterol.. My husband & I have been together for 10 yrs without preventing, but 3 yrs actively trying. Well my so call doctor told me that he can’t help me become pregnant, unless I lose weight! I spoke to him about metformin, clomid & letorazole (idk if I spelled it right or not) but he said that with clomid I can have multiple pregnancies but my baby wouldn’t survive bcuz or my high cholesterol & fatty liver. Does anyone on here have that & have had a healthy pregnancy/baby? Other than that, he told me that he could send me to another gynecologist but he knows that for sure they won’t help me unless I lose weight and he said it in a laughing matter. Then he said that a fertility specialist will deny me bcuz I’m over weight I’m (207 lbs) when I know other women are a different weight & they still become pregnant & have a healthy baby, yeah preeclampsia would be one thing but I really don’t care, I can handle anything. Anyone please give me some advice or tell me your story. Or let me know if my doctor is just being a total asshole!