Well today was fun 😑

My fiancĂ© picked up golfing as a new hobby. He’s been golfing a lot lately and the last time I went with him it was 90° so since today was 70 he took me with because I absolutely LOVE fall and the lower temperatures

Everything was going good and we were having a really good time until it started to slow down because there was this group in from of us with 4 people that were taking FOREVERRR to golf because they were taking 2 turns each. So instead of 4 people golfing it was as if 8 people were

Each new hole we went to, we had to sit and wait for 15-20 minutes just for them to finish

This made my fiancĂ© really grumpy because he was already doing pretty bad since he’s still new to the sport.. but then waiting for so long in between shots was making it worse

Anyway so we get up to one hole and he putts his in but we had so much time to kill that he plopped a second ball down and let me putt with him

This was our 7th hole so I had been asking a lot of questions about golf so between him being grumpy and me asking questions I think I was unintentionally annoying him

I literally don’t know a single thing about golf
 but apparently when you’re putting you’re not supposed to walk in front of the ball or where the ball has to go on it’s way to rolling into the hole (if that makes sense) because the ground is spongey so it will create a do it in the ground and mess up the direction of the ball
.. I didn’t not know, and I was walking over to go hit my ball and almost stepped in front of his ball’s way and he about lost his mind

I wasn’t even intentionally doing it considering I didn’t know that that is a thing in the first place so when he said not to do it, I literally just asked why because I thought he was kidding. But apparently that made him even more mad

I putt mine in and we start walking back to the golf cart and he goes “I just want you to respect the rules of the game!” (In a really bitchy attitude)

So I sit in the cart and I’m trying to keep my cool because I couldn’t believe he was being this rude to me over me asking a damn question
 but I end up getting emotional and crying anyway

I was like
 I’ve literally been golfing with you ONE time!! I’m not disrespecting the rules! I simply don’t know them!

He felt bad but he still hasn’t fixed his attitude at all today