Earache in toddler

My son is 3 years old, on Sunday he suddenly had a fever, blocked nose, cough and red, puffy and watery eyes, the boy who never takes naps slept all day and night, waking up just for some drink, potty or to watch a movie. Yesterday on Monday he woke up in the morning feeling alot better, still had his blocked nose, cough and reddish eyes but can tell he was better. Today on Tuesday he seems to have completely recovered already, we have taken a covid test which were still waiting for the results on.

He went to bed at 8pm and has woken up crying in pain 4 times, specifically pain in his left ear, he told me it was outside of his ear so I thought he slept on it funny at first but the more he woke up and seeing how it disturbed his sleep, I'm worried its more than that. It's now 2am and he refuses to go back to bed, he wanted a bowl of porridge but is refusing to eat it now that it's ready, his not ate much today, just some cereal in the morning and some snacks during the day but hasn't had any appetite for anything else. Since his woken up his held onto his ear a couple times but still insists that the pain is outside, I have had a look with a flashlight and there's no redness, no excess of ear wax, no fluid, nothing, all looks normal as far as I can see. The NHS website says to call GP if this carries on for 3 days, but even though its just this once, I'm wondering if I should call first thing in the morning seeing as he had a fever just 2 days ago? Also this is the first time his mentioned ear pain, and we don't use cotton buds to clean his ears, he would never let us near him with one even if we tried so definitely nothing has been stuck in it.

What do you all think? Any suggestions?