Fear of child dying (sorry for the grim topic)

My son will be 3 soon and he has acquired hydrocephalus which is being managed with a vp shunt. I recently had another baby so I think he had a growth spurt so it looks like his head got bigger. I googled to see if a larger head is a symptom of a shunt malfunction and it is. Now I don’t know if his head is truly bigger or just seems bigger because of how much time I’m spending with a baby. Now this reopened old wounds in my heart because now it’s 3am and I’m crying because what if he needs surgery soon. I read that the lifetime of an infants shunt is 2 years and it’s over 2 years already. He’s developmentally delayed and can’t speak. What if he’s in pain and can’t tell us? And worst of all, what if he dies? I won’t survive it. Unfortunately I think this every few months in a year and I really live my life in fear of something happening to him. Are there other special needs parents here? How can I move on from this fear ?