Would you feel bad?

So my brothers b day was today and we went home and had a dinner but there was not a big party or something like that. Since 2 weeks ago we had planned to do something on Saturday and me and my husband stay there. BUT today we found out that also Saturday my husbands brothers will have his kids b day. We don’t know what to do because I want to stay at my parents and sleep there and btw we l rent with my husbands family including that brother. If my husband decides he wants to star to the kids party (because he doesn’t want to stay 2 hrs and then go to my house he says that’s too little and no one will be there yet) one of the options is; we both go to my brothers party, he stays for a bit overt there, he goes back to his nephews(where we live ) b day and I stay at my brothers, so we won’t spend the night together or drink together. Idk I don’t want him to be alone with his family and drink I know how his family is. But I did had planned to stay at my parents already

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