Driving myself crazy


Posting because I'm legit driving myself crazy!!

I had my nexplanon removed early this month, a week before my period and had periods with it the whole time, mostly normal. I had my period 4 days after the removal, it was a lot heavier than usual and quite painful.

We have been trying to conceive since the removal. We have BD at least every other night since I got off my period, if not every night.

Since about a week after I got off my mentrusal I have had a really heavy feeling down below my pants line, accompanied with pressure when I cough, sneeze or laugh. Also feeling little flutters, probably gas tho.. but i swear my ovaries actually hurt... My acne is going crazy this last week, I'm tired as hell and in the bathroom what seems to be every hour. Headaches are daily, and I've had a but of an upset tummy.

I will not test til I miss my period... part of me thinks I might have gotten lucky, but the other part of me says logically I couldn't be pregnant and even if I was, I wouldn't know it yet.

If you have something similar going on I'd love to hear what you're going thru as well.