PCOS with no periods


Is there anyone who has no periods at all from PCOS actively trying to conceive (or have successfully conceived in the past)

I have two children. Before my first my periods were all over the place and it was hard to get pregnant because it was impossible to track. Then I had her and my periods were normal for the first time in my life until we had my second daughter. Once I had her, my periods stopped. I didn't have one at all for a year. Had 6 total the next year and have had none this year at all. I've had blood works done, been checked for cervical cancer and ultimately diagnosed with PCOS...last year after the last cycle I had I got pregnant and miscarried on new years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>. I haven't had a period since and we talked about trying clomid but it's a lot of money for something that maybe won't work so I'm feeling really discouraged. It's been 10 months since the miscarriage, there's nothing to track and my OB says I'm not ovulating at all on my own. We always talked about having a big family and I'm feeling like it's never going to happen at this point. I love both of my daughters so so much-its not that I'm not satisfied with them. It's just letting go of the dream of a big family I guess.