Help?! Unplanned pregnancy after c-section

Anyone had an accidental/unplanned pregnancy happen before a year passed after a c-section?? My baby JUST hit 7 months old and I just have a nagging suspicion that I'm pregnant...I am not currently on any birth control but we use condoms every time...we had one break the other week just as he came so it wasn't like there was time to put a new one on or he would have. I went to the bathroom immediately but I know that doesn't really help any...I had a c-section because my hips didn't open up the way they should have when I went into labor because of a pelvic injury I got when I was younger that caused one of my growth plates to harden. C-section went well-no complications my baby was 7lbs8oz and perfectly healthy and I healed fairly quickly and well. Not sure if any of that matters. I'm just anxious about it because I always hear you're supposed to wait at least a year after a c-section.