About last night

My boyfriend has been acting strange to me lately. He doesn’t show affection or kiss me much anymore. He had to be at work this morning by 7:30am. I kept him up until 2am trying to figure out why he doesn’t act like my boyfriend much anymore- more like a roommate. He got furious with me and strangled me. He said I pushed him to that point. He then proceeded to punch me in my breast and strangled me again in which his response after was “I could’ve squeezed you tighter I’m that mad at you.” As well as saying he’s done with my psychotic a$$. My intentions were not to keep him up so he couldn’t get enough rest. I was just trying to figure out if he isn’t attracted to me anymore or what the issue is/was. This morning before leaving he told me bye. That’s all I have heard from him since. I just feel as if it’s all my fault mainly because that’s what he kept screaming at me and also because if maybe I wouldn’t have cared so much as to why he is acting off then none of it would have escalated and he could’ve just went to bed.

Any insights would be deeply appreciated.