Parents who sleep trained ONLY.

My kiddo has been sleep trained since 4 months. We used full extinction, it took a day, and she has done great.

She's 8 months old now and recently was hospitalized end had abdominal surgery (surgery was a week ago). Since we've been home, she's had 2-3 night wakings each night. I've been going in for the past 6 days and just nursing her and laying her back down. I assumed she was lacking in calories and needed to eat.

She's not in pain, and she is no longer taking anything to treat pain. She rolls and has resumed her normal level of mobility. She even sleeps on her belly.

We've always operated under the rule: you don't let them "cry it out" when they're sick or not feeling well. I definitely don't want to ignore her cries if she needs me. But it's starting to seem like she doesn't need the milk, she just wants a snuggle. And as much as I love her snuggles, I need some sleep.

We snuggled a lot and I would hold her a lot while she slept at the hospital. We've been through this before after hospitalizations, and eventually I just let her CIO once she appears 100%, and after one night we are normal again. However, she has never had surgery before, so this is a bit different.

How long do I wait? She's not in pain, and her daytime calorie intake has increased and she just seems to be nursing for comfort when I go in. Should I start by weaning her off night feeds and just offering a snuggle?