Marriage? Noncommittal?

First I want to say that my boyfriend and I have been together for roughly three years now. We are just now seniors in college so 21 and 22.

So anytime we talk about the future together he gets stressed out and starts saying he can’t promise me anything. It’s really upsetting.

I’m not expecting to get married and move in right after graduating. I still want to live on my own and just date for a couple more years. BUT I still know Id like to get married to him.

When I ask him if he wants to get married he says yes. He says he can see me being his wife, but he gets so stressed and almost upset anytime it’s brought up.

He says he’s worried we’d tie each other down from doing things we want to do on our own. He’s stressed and upset the whole next day after we talk about it.

It makes me feel so unwanted. I know we’re young, but I’ve told him I’m not expecting anything for years to come and he still acts this way.

(I do want to add he gets this way about the future in general; graduating, jobs, etc)

I guess I’m wandering if this is a red flag or if we’re still just young? Am I wasting my time with someone who seems like they don’t want to commit? I just always thought your SO would love to think of a future together instead of it scaring them😅