Pregnant and bleeding with clots


Hello everyone I need some help!

I started having light bleeding a couple of days ago and decided to go to the ER. They checked everything and also did an ultrasound which I first they though I was having twins and they told me oh looks like ur having twins then all over sudden They supposedly made a mistake and they only could see one baby which I didn’t know what they really was seeing because I wasn’t able to see the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech told me I could have a sneak peek of the baby and the baby looks about how far along I am which is close to 12 weeks pregnant because that’s the same way It looked when I had my first ultrasound at 11 weeks with my first born. Then the doctor comes in and say that everything looks good they don’t know why I’m bleeding but that I should get rest and to not do too much physical activities. She also stated that I was early on the pregnancy around 6 weeks pregnant. I don’t understand how I seen a full baby with it’s hand near the mouth u can also see the face features clearly but I’m six weeks pregnant ??? That do not make sense to me specially when at six weeks the most u see is a tiny peanut shape fetus. I’m losing my mind I’m still bleeding with some clots I haven’t had any cramps or any type of pain at all. I have left constant messages to my obgyn even try a different one and still haven’t contact me like they have not a care in the world. Has anyone had bled a lot in their pregnancies and still had a successful pregnancy?