Ovulating again!?!…25 days after last clomid pill!?!


I’m on 100 mg clomid. I took it from CD3-CD7 and was bd’ing every other day since CD6-CD18 (just to be sure). I had ewcm from CD12-CD16. Now I’m on CD32 and I’ve been having globs of snot like cm, but I’m getting BFN’s and my period should have started. Now what? Why am I having all this gross looking cm? I can’t be ovulating again can I and not this late? When I should be having my period instead? What is going on? I’ve, also, had this almost somewhat uncomfortable heavy pressure in my very lower abdomen for the past few days on and off, but still no period. I’m just so tired of all this confusing TTC stuff! 😩