I need some advice from divorced parents.

Yes i have reached out to my attorney. But im not sure still what I should do. The Father of my children has parenting time Monday to Tuesday 730 am to 6pm and every other sat 730am to Tuesday 6pm. My oldest is 4 going on 5 and is in pre k 5 days a week. I am paying for his pre k as it is at our church. His father did not want to contribute to his education. Ik he can go to upk for free but we missed the deadline for it. Anyway. Every week he has either missed 1 day of school with his dad or both days. He says because he doesn't want to go. His dad says its ok he's not going to force him to school. He doesn't tell me he doesn't go as well. So I dont even know if he goes. In our decree it states they must attend school when available unless otherwise agreed upon. I just dont know what to do anymore. He never gives me a hard time when hes with me to go to school so I know its alot on his dad. His father is also doing this to make me mad. I just dont know what to do anymore.